5 Traits Successful Pastors Should Possess

If you were to ask church members the most important traits of their pastors you would get a lot of answers like this:

Good speaker

Hard worker

Christian (Jeanne Mayo always says it isn’t a prerequisite to be a pastor, it just makes it easier)

Knows the Bible

Speaks the Truth



All of these are admirable qualities that a successful pastor SHOULD have. However, I think there are a few traits that are either overlooked or deemed not as important that bear just as much importance in running a successful church.

1. Decisiveness

We would all agree that a pastor needs to be decisive. But a successful pastor understands how to be decisive when they know it will upset a lot of people in the church. You need to be willing to make decisions that are of the NOT SO POPULAR sort.

2. Culture Creator

A lot of leadership books will tell you the importance of creating a culture. But sometimes, as culture shift happens, the LOCAL church begins to struggle with this or misunderstand its importance.

A Pastor must create and dictate the culture of their church or their individual ministry setting. It might go unnoticed for a while, but WHEN transformation happens people will see the importance.

3. Financial Steward

Few people will read this list and disagree, on the surface, with these traits. But truth be told, a pastor that can help steer a church in the right direction financially is a pastor that will create a healthy church.

In my church I have seen our pastor make financial decisions that has allowed our church freedom in ministry that many others in similar settings are not afforded. This freedom comes from being a solid financial steward.

4. A Spiritual Confronter

The pastor of a local church is charged with leading his people. A successful pastor understands the importance of necessary confrontation. 

That doesn’t mean to go off on everything you don’t agree with, instead, coming at a church person, in love, and showing them the fault within their steps.


The best spiritual confronters are the ones willing to be confronted on their misgivings as well.

5. A Lifelong Learner

If you are learning you aren’t leading. Show me a pastor that has it all figured it out and I’ll show you one that WILL lose his church. 

I love going into a church and seeing the resource area in the lobby. That tells me that the pastor is committed to helping his people continue to learn. 

At one church I remember walking into the book store and seeing a “What The Pastor Has Been Reading” shelf. What a way to show that you are learning. What a leader!

There are countless traits needed for a great leader and pastor. What would you add to this list?

The best way I know to fight for the family

Saw a preview for the new Hercules movie today. In it the question is asked “Are you just the legend or are you the TRUTH behind the legend.” Once the movie comes out that I am sure that will be a wildly quoted question from most pastors in America. But it really requires some serious questioning today. Are you who you seem to be or not? Does your character go beyond your reputation or are you just reputation?

I have heard countless stories that ended in abuse where the victim said “He just wasn’t the same person behind closed doors.” That drives me to be better behind close doors to my family than I am to the public. I want Kendrae, Kanon, and Everton to see the very best part of me. I want to show my best to those in my circle of influence, but NEVER at the cost of my family. I pray that my kids never say that the best of their dad was behind a pulpit. I want them to cherish the moments we play in the backyard. 

A lot of talk has gone on about traditional family and how the definition is attempting to be changed. This is the best way I know to fight for it. Here are three things I keep in my mind on a daily basis:

1. Give my kids a father worth being proud of

I will never be perfect. But if I can be a dad that my kids look at and are proud of than I have acheived a high level of success. No matter how well I do in the world if I do not have their respect I have failed.

2. Be the husband my wife trust

Nothing makes me prouder then when my wife looks at some of the students in our student ministry and tells them that my character extends beyond my reputation. I want her to know that I want to be take care of her in more ways than just STUFF. I want her to trust what I say and the only way that is possible is to speak truth when I talk with her. 

3. Guard my eyes and heart from anyone or thing other than my wife

In this world lust is all around. You hear it said that it is ok to look as long as you go home to your spouse. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Jesus told us that looking at a woman lustfully was adultery. Another reason is that when I look at my wife and tell her how incredibly beautiful she is, she can believe it because I live it. I will guard my eyes and heart from ANYONE OR ANYTHING. There is no question.

Let’s fight for the family together. Let’s live obstinant from popular opinion and be the men and women that God has called us to be.

Ephesians 4:1

I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

My calling is my family.

Live Great Today!